The End is Nigh! Or isn’t it?

The End is Nigh! Or isn't it?.

Why is is always about saving the planet? The planet will be fine, no matter what we do to it.
It’s Us, Humanity that need to be saved. Saved from ourselves, and by saving ourselves, the planet will remain inhabitable for mankind. rite?
Using the excuse to save the planet only masques the real importance of SAVING YOUR OWN LIFE. Lets not start a panic here tho, we have at least 1 generation left in us humans’ before we succeed in changing our DNA permanently through cancerous agents.
Everything we do comes back around in nature, our food, water and air are toxic, yet we believe what we are told because a news celebrity said so.
Turn OFF your TV will ya…
The Earth will be just fine unless we find some way to physically blow it to pieces, or something.
I would like to live a while, be able to breathe clean air, drink good clean water, and not have to wonder what is in my food that will cause CANCER!
Humanity is in danger, your life, mine, our children and friends. All living things are in danger. Not from just evolution where one species or another become extinct, but when the entire populations are threatened with genocide. Because we are lazy… That’s all.. Lazy Humans will be responsible for their own demise unless we can collectively pull our heads out of our butts and realize life is NOT about WHAT. It’s about HOW.
How do we SAVE OURSELVES, and thus save the planet from OUR extinction.
You cannot save the planet. We have to save ourselves.

Hypocrisy and the double standard of life (Edited)

Yes… Here it is…Raw, & uncut and without remorse.
This article is a bit over the top, but it really does hit the nail squarely on the head.
Personally I am not racist, however,,, I do not tolerate this double standard.I have found that it IS those racist folk that always play that tactic first, point and claim racism when it’s really themselves to blame.
THE USA is a big problem. It’s a cesspool of racial and religious difference, practicing to punish those that don’t conform to certain social statutes…

I don’t blame the blacks for hating white people, after all it was a continent of crackers that made black folks their slaves. Traded like cattle, and treated worse. No matter what the apology, I would not find it easy to let that go either. Sad part is, It doesn’t have to be that way. Only shallow and unintelligent creatures cannot learn from their mistakes. Why has society allowed this cruel and disrespectful treatment of fellow humans to continue into our future? Can’t you see that WE humans are still People no matter what color, what origin?

Think about this…
It’s NOT Racism UNLESS you hate them ALL
It’s OKAY to NOT LIKE someone.

What gives anyone the right to oppress, or condemn another human being?
Why has MONEY allowed society to dictate who makes the rules, who is allowed to succeed and who must fail?
I speak of Americans, because here in the USA, the people come from all walks of life, all colors, languages, and religions. WE ALL ARE DIFFERENT. but it’s those that have some kind of complex, inhibiting honest and moral thought that screw it all up for everyone.
Your family should teach you values, you respect with your heart, you hate with your mind.

Your Black Patriarch, Monarch, Deity, King, Czar, Führer, what ever you want to call him is hated because of who HE is, not what color, I don’t care that he’s black. I resent what he is doing and what he has allowed to be done to this country.
I resent his lies, his suspicious background and his ethics.
I resent his audacity to claim presidency when clearly he defies the constitution and its law.
But I do NOT resent him for being Black.
In fact, I find it sad that this nation’s first colored dictator will most likely be its last because of how Effed-up this one is. Uno, 1 rotten apple will spoil the barrel. lol. Well our govt as a whole has spoiled and should be taken out with the compost.
And,,, I’m off topic AGAIN..

Give this article a read, YA, its lewd, and rude, but it is right..
Enlighten your self.

Tic, Tok, Tic, Tok….

The time grows near. Soon it will be the 21st. of June, a day marking the changing seasons, a day to celebrate a 10 year milestone married to the one I love most.
This Party will be where we were married just 10 years before, It’s a favorite place to camp, there’s a river, trees, nature, and its a couple hours from society in any direction. 
Since before my wife was diagnosed with Cancer, we haven’t been camping anywhere, and yet my wife is mustering the will and energy to see that she gets to enjoy this place one more time.
So it’s more than an Anniversary, more than a camping trip to a favorite place, It’s a journey for the mind and soul for our family that some, wont make it back there.
Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma, is a horrible way to end one’s life. The chemo makes you wish you were dead, the pain makes you wish you could sleep, the cancer’s effects make you wish you didn’t have to go into public with a horrible Plasma Cytoma distorting your image.
Whats worse is watching someone you love going through this with pride and courage. My wife is truly a wonderful soul, I wish I was so brave. 
I love you Wife, My BB.


It was a 3 Dawg night

It was a 3 Dawg night

It got cold the other night and Mollie decided she was going to cuddle to keep warm.
During the night she crawled in and snuggled good enough to find herself covered up rite between us.
I could not resist a picture.

She is a rescue dog, we have only had her for a couple months.she is 5yrs, and prolly smarter than me.. lol
My lovely wife, who has Cancer and Mollie have bonded, Mollie is a service dog in training for my wife and her cancer issues.
It is amazing how something so precious comes into your life let alone it happened to me twice…